Most children love to explore nature. Kids love snow days, but you need something to do when they get too cold and must come inside. Love in the use of natural science to help them find ways to explore the world around them, even when they should be at home.
In fact, the day of the snow allows children to explore the natural world without the pressures of extracurricular activities for stifling creativity. Encourage your children to find ways to explore the world of science with materials that can find the right house.
If your children attend a school with a large scientific program, and will be involved in the experiments and exploration, which includes adventures in the field of robotics, engineering, arts, and life sciences, physical sciences . In addition to the learning experience by providing some scientific projects that can easily complete at home, and even the day of the snow. Here are two projects that are perfect for learning and fun snow day:
An attempt to contain the oil spill - and maybe your children learn some of the recent oil spills have caused major problems for the oceans of the Earth and its inhabitants. This project will help your child to consider the implications and the difficulty of cleaning after an oil spill.
Do you have your children go out a large mixing bowl, spoon, and a bottle of cooking oil. Then they need to add water until the jar half full. Ask them to put a few teaspoons of oil in a bowl of water. We refer to your children that the oil floating on the water. After that, ask them to learn different ways to get rid of the oil in the water. If they can not think of any, refers to materials such as paper towels, lint from your dryer, clean cloth and washing, spoons or different materials. Allow the children to see how best removes oil from water. If one of the roads completely removes oil, and refer to this as well.
the voltage of the surface water or gravity - which is the most powerful? Fluid has a surface tension. The surface tension is the force that allows a drop of water spilled on the surface to keep the formation of droplets rather than spread evenly over the surface. Is the surface tension of water to keep strong enough gravity in his place? Your children can find with this experience tried and true and you probably do in the days of thy youth.
Children collect the following information: a glass of wine or other glass tubes, a pot of water and a cloth napkin. Ask them to put the glass on the table and place a towel on the glass. Ask them to push a rag in the glass of a small dimple. After that, your children can pour water into the glass until it is about three-quarters (if your children are too small to cope with a pitcher of water, you may need to be part of the experiment). We refer to them as the water passes easily through the towel. After that, pull (or have your children draw) clamped tissue in the upper part of the glass. Keep it up, keeping a hand around the stem. Place the other hand on top of the glass to completely cover the opening. Glass kept above the sink, and then turn it slowly. Finally, pull your hand away from the glass mouth. The water must remain in the glass because of the surface tension of water.
After this amazing observations, your children can have some of their own ideas on other experiences you might want to do. Provided that their proposals are safe for children of their age, allowing them to live freely as they wish. Giving a helping hand if they need you. Learn and experience, after all, something you want to share with your children.
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